Holistic. Individual. Lasting.

Welcome to Vogt Physio In BERLIN 

As a result of many years in the field of physical therapy we are experts in treating patients with musculoskeletal discomfort. Whether you are suffering from backache or joint problems we are the right persons to help. 

Our objective is that clients feel that they are in good hands and experience a significant improvement through the physiological treatment. Furthermore we look after our patients with personal and professional consultation in a modern practice in the center of Berlin .

We are always interested in the latest research and methods in physical therapy. This influences our daily work and determines our personal standards in providing top level therapy. 

Instead of focusing on isolated symptoms we care more about your overall state of health.


Maintain your quality of life and support your body's self healing through targeted physical therapy.


Our job is a fundamental part of our daily life. Unfortunately it can also cause physiological stress. Together we can discuss your workplace situation and set up a plan for pain relief and prevention.


Recreational or competitive athlete: learn more about injury prevention, rehabilitation and regeneration. In order to keep your body in balance and achieve personal goals.


Physio Methods

We provide the following services

  • Posture Coaching

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Lymphatic Drainage

  • Kinesiotaping

  • Prevention of Distress

  • Pilates during pregnancy

  • Pain treatment during and after pregnancy

  • Orthopaedic Manual Therapy

  • Manual Therapy

  • Osteopathic Techniques

  • Physio Therapy

  • Temporomandibular Joint Therapy

  • Pelvic Floor Exercise

  • Pre & Post Surgery Care

  • Massage Therapy

Heilpraktiker für Physiotherapie (HP-PT)

Since 2009 Physical Therapists in Germany who have undertaken training for "Sektoralen Heilpraktiker auf dem Gebiet der Physiotherapie" (HP-PT) are permitted to provide treatment without referral from a doctor. In these cases, treatments can be invoiced directly to the patient.

What does this mean for you?

Through a detailed therapeutic examination we will determine whether your problems can be treated directly by us, or require further inspection by a doctor. If treatable directly we can proceed to effectively work on your functional and structural ailments.


After the therapy you will receive an invoice (related to the "Gebührenordnung für Heilpraktiker (GebüH)). You can reimburse it with your private insurance or private insurance for "Heilpraktikerleistung". 

With regards to the individual reimbursement please get in touch with your insurance company before starting physical therapy.

In case you have further questions about this topic please do no hesitate to contact me. I am happy to give advice